Mr Roobak

Info Level Experience Last seen
Mr Roobak

Voc: Elder Druid
Premium status: No
160 66,173,385 2024-11-18 21:15:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
70 29 Cl: ??
Sw: ??
Ax: ??
?? 30 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-11-17 21:18:58 161 Anvers
2024-11-17 01:58:53 160 Quilian
2024-11-16 23:49:01 160 Leokadiia Blonska
2024-11-08 10:52:32 124 a royal halberdier
2024-11-07 20:24:43 121 a royal halberdier and a evil monk
2024-11-06 21:29:40 121 a crusader and a red priest
2024-11-04 23:17:05 115 Sir'Pix
2024-11-04 20:42:33 113 Chihuahua
2024-11-03 19:50:31 111 Zbanowanyy
2024-11-03 14:18:42 108 Fran'cozz
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2024-11-13 18:43:14 123 Xrr
2024-11-04 23:11:24 119 Van Pordh
2024-11-03 19:38:19 138 Super Sayian
2024-11-01 12:34:43 59 Bloczekk
2024-10-27 01:39:03 102 Furia Rp
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2025-01-18 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
2025-01-17 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
2025-01-16 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
2025-01-15 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
2025-01-14 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
2025-01-13 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
2025-01-12 09:00:00 160 66,173,385
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2025-01-18 0 seconds
2025-01-17 0 seconds
2025-01-16 0 seconds
2025-01-15 0 seconds
2025-01-14 0 seconds
2025-01-13 0 seconds
2025-01-12 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-11-18 10:04:00 2024-11-18 21:16:00 11h 12m 160
2024-11-17 10:04:00 2024-11-18 10:01:00 23h 57m 159
2024-11-16 11:37:00 2024-11-17 10:01:00 22h 24m 155
2024-11-16 10:05:00 2024-11-16 11:22:00 1h 17m 155
2024-11-15 10:04:00 2024-11-16 10:01:00 23h 57m 152
2024-11-14 10:04:00 2024-11-15 10:01:00 23h 57m 147
2024-11-13 10:04:00 2024-11-14 10:01:00 23h 57m 141
2024-11-13 06:20:00 2024-11-13 10:01:00 3h 41m 141
2024-11-12 23:18:00 2024-11-13 06:18:00 7h 141
2024-11-12 10:04:00 2024-11-12 23:16:00 13h 12m 139
2024-11-11 12:47:00 2024-11-12 10:01:00 21h 14m 134
2024-11-11 02:36:00 2024-11-11 10:01:00 7h 25m 134
2024-11-11 02:22:00 2024-11-11 02:33:00 11m 134
2024-11-10 16:40:00 2024-11-11 02:16:00 9h 36m 128
2024-11-10 10:05:00 2024-11-10 16:30:00 6h 25m 127
2024-11-09 10:04:00 2024-11-10 10:02:00 23h 58m 124
2024-11-08 10:04:00 2024-11-09 10:01:00 23h 57m 124
2024-11-07 10:03:00 2024-11-08 10:01:00 23h 58m 121
2024-11-06 10:05:00 2024-11-07 10:01:00 23h 56m 118
2024-11-05 13:00:00 2024-11-06 10:00:00 21h 114
Level change history
66 2024-10-26 74 2024-10-27 83 2024-10-28 87 2024-10-30 88 2024-10-31
93 2024-11-01 100 2024-11-02 107 2024-11-03 110 2024-11-04 114 2024-11-05
118 2024-11-06 121 2024-11-07 124 2024-11-08 127 2024-11-10 134 2024-11-11
139 2024-11-12 141 2024-11-13 147 2024-11-14 152 2024-11-15 155 2024-11-16
159 2024-11-17 160 2024-11-18